Good morning! I have been in St. Louis for about a week and a half now and am getting settled in pretty well. My main room of the apartment is pretty much set up how I see it functioning for a while now, now all I need to do is finish my bedroom, and still try to be okay with the pink bathroom. As you can see I've put some brown in there and the really cool tree shower curtain so that makes it better. I've got my first class today! Well over 200 pages read for the first day of classes.
I should keep a page count of how many pages I read throughout my seminary career....that would turn out to be ridiculous.
This morning I went over to the Luhr Library to go to the Eden Bookstore, but apparently it doesn't open till 10:30 AM, so I'm back here writing this waiting to go back to the bookstore to get my last few books that they didn't have in until yesterday.
Lets see, what have I done in the STL so far? Been to Target a few times, been to the grocery (Schnucks, pronounced schnooks which I still can't figure out), waited in line at Webster University's student center to get my Webster ID for 45 minutes....I was the only person in line. Been to the Webster Gym a couple times, realized I needed a knee brace, went to Sports Authority and bought a knee brace. Got a bad haircut at Greatclips for 6 dollars. Thinking of going to have that $6 haircut fixed. Just watched someone get pulled over outside my apartment, and was kept up most of the night on Thursday night by snow plows, I still have no idea why they were spending so much time on Bompart Ave. I'm pretty sure it leads nowhere.
I have an apology to offer to Nate Taylor. When I was moving here, we had gotten to about Indianapolis when I realized that the Shag Jesus was still hanging in our living room back in Troy. (I think that is a bad thing because it obviously fit in a little too well!) I'll post another picture when it makes its way to the STL and onto my wall here.
Yesterday we had an amazing chapel service at Eden! A last semester seminarian, Cassandra Gould, offered an amazing message about hooking up! It was explained based on the contexts that the phrase has been heard in history, and it matters who is speaking to whom as to what the contextual meaning actually is. In this case, referring to 1 Cor. 12, talking about individual gifts we have all been blessed with, and imagine what would happen if we could hook up to use those gifts together.
As Cassandra stated, "Imagine what would happen if an African American female preacher hooked up with a Caucasian female preacher, Imagine what would happen if that Caucasian female preacher hooked up with a Caucasian male preacher, imagine what would happen if that Caucasian male preacher hooked up with an openly gay female preacher, imagine what would happen if that openly gay female preacher hooked up with a disabled preacher, imagine what would happen if that disabled preacher hooked up with an able bodied preacher. Imagine what would happen?!"
She was kind of putting on a show while preaching this, she had many of her friends lined up to stand up and join when called upon in the sermon. It was quite moving.
Well friends that's the story from Eden, where all the Women take charge, the Men are well founded and the Children are Cardinals fans.